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25GB Storage
5 Admin Users
10 Members
200 GB Watching Limit mo.
400 hours FullHD Videos
250GB Storage
50 Admin Users
500 Members
10TB Watching Limit / mo.
14,166 hours of 2K Videos
Unlimited Admin Users
Umlimited Members
Streaming Limit: ~70,000 hours per month—enough for 1,000 people people to watch around 3 hours of Netflix daily in Full HD
Unlimited Hubs
I've built pretty handy sites powered by Craft or WordPress in the past, but seeing @framer tackle CMS stuff so effortlessly is mind-boggling
User Groups
The scroll variant in @framer hits differently. Never imaged that making some complex things would be easy with that. Everyday i learn something new with Framer.
Unlimited Channels
I learned how to build a website in @Framer! My goal was to learn the basic tools in about 20 minutes a day last week. Nothing fancy. No special design. Just random elements that's responsive. If I can do it, so can you!
4K Streaming
A quick word about @framer. Framer is forever changing the experience of designing for the web. Forget about a design tool. Once you get the basics, you're not on a design tool anymore. You're creating your product/story in the medium itself. As friendly & powerful as it is.
Unlimited Content
Websites built on @framer look so beautiful.
Cloud Drive
Effortlessly upload, organize, and access your media and files from anywhere. With tools for embedding, storage monitoring, collection management, and powerful search, Cloud Drive keeps your content securely organized and always accessible.
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